Thursday, July 15, 2010

Warning: Never let siblings play with swords

"Aieeee!" A scream pierced the air as my sister landed behind my brother, fencing sword flailing wildly.

My brother parried, his fencing sword teetering back and forth as they screeched and howled, jumping over furniture to get at each other.

Meanwhile, I was hiding under the art table, peering out from behind one of the chair legs as they chased after one another, stabbing and parrying.

Although in their minds they were highly skilled masters of fencing, in reality, they were stabbing at each other like three-year-olds.

I had always known it was a bad idea for my dad to sign up my siblings for fencing lessons. I, not being a violent person, had not participated, but my two siblings leaped into it with vigor. They loved the aggressiveness of it, and the violence.

The fencing had slowly evolved into kicking and punching as well. Soon they were both screaming at each other with fury, trying to tear each other's hair out.

Leaping out of my hiding spot I leaped between them. "Stop! Now!!" I roared, as my brother kicked my sister and sent her flying to the ground.

They ignored me and continued to go at each other, my sister maniacally whacking at him and scratching my shoulder in the process. I decided to leap back out of the fight.

"M-om!" My sister cried, "Colin is kicking me!"

My mom came clambering down the stairs and folded her arms in front of her.

"What is going on?!" She cried angrily.

"Colin just started kicking me and I wasn't doing anything!" My sister lied. "I was just practicing fencing."

"No!" My brother yelled, "She was kicking me!"

I evacuated the area before I got involved.

As fencing lessons continued, their violence was not all spent in lessons, but instead was increased at home. Soon every argument, no matter how petty, was solved with a battle.

I didn't mind so much, because it gave me lots of ideas for battles in my stories, but the screaming was a bit overwhelming. It was on there sixth fencing lesson that my family decided fencing was over. My siblings didn't enjoy the lessons, and my parents didn't enjoy spending the money or tolerating their new found violence.

So, let this be a lesson to you. If you planned on getting your siblings into fencing to try and spend all their anger, it doesn't work. Soon they will be solving every disagreement with a fencing match. Maybe try getting them into something like... book club? Just don't equip your siblings with swords.

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