Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Trickster Triplet War

Playing pranks was in our blood.

Our aunt had been a notorious trickster as a kid, my dad had constantly pranked his eight brothers and sisters, and my mom was the scariest mother you could have when it came to April Fool's Day. So, it was only natural, when my relatives from my mom's side decided to come visit (from Kentucky) on April 1st, that a scheme began to form.

The day before the relatives arrived, my brother, sister, and I spent the whole day in our rooms, scheming and plotting. Nervousness and excitement seemed to boil from us, as we gathered every fake eyeball, tongue, food, whoopie cushion, food coloring, and every other prank you could imagine. Soon... the day arrived.

On April Fool's Day I always kept a low profile. My mom knew just about every prank there was, and there was no stopping her when she started. We'd had fake spiders in our soup, pennies glued down to the driveway (they still haven't come up), green goo at the bottom of our hot cocoa, and our cereal frozen in the milk. At breakfast, I always thoroughly examined my meal before taking a bite.

My brother, sister, and I were apprehensive that morning. Nobody had played any pranks on us yet. An hour after breakfast passed and the relatives arrived, and we had to leave to school. The Plan would soon be in action.

That day at school all the students were on guard. They knew the triplets might have something up their sleeve. We did, but not as many pranks as we usually had. We were saving all the 'good ones' for the relatives.

We went from class to class innocently going about our work until we got to Language Arts class... when the whole school was pierced with a terrified scream and a horrified gasp. It was our teacher, Mrs. Thompson (not her real name), and in her hand she held a sticky, slimy fake eyeball. Her eyes were wide as she put her hand over her heart. "Class, don't do this to me!" She said, shaking off the eyeball in the trash can.

Back at home, battle preparations were put into action. That evening we scared the living daylights out of our relatives. They had ice cubes with fake spiders in them in their drinks, they had whoopie cushions under their chair, they had yogurt containers that when opened, shot a spring-loaded piece of cloth into the air, they had eyeballs and fake worms in their beds, they had a fake tongue hanging out of the toaster, they even had a glowing pair of eyes on their bedroom window outside that stared in at them. As the last screams faded from the air we shook hands in triumph. Never before had we had such a successful April Fool's Day... and we hadn't even been pranked!

We headed upstairs and grabbed our toothbrushes and began brushing our teeth, before we froze... somebody had put hot pepper sauce on our toothbrushes. We all ran downstairs gasping for water, and we could hear our relatives laughing in the distance. Revenge is sweet.ry=400.jpg

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